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Many students have proven to struggle with writing a good, readable text. The Academic Writing Skills course breaks down the writing process into different sub-skills that students can use for independent practice. E.g.: structure, referencing, paraphrasing, quoting, sentence structure, summarising, reviewing grammar & punctuation and argumentation.


The course comes with a book and a website. The website offers students seven digital writing skills modules that will involve the use of the Skills in Psychology (SiP) instructional units, instruction about sub-skills, rules of thumb, several short exercises and examples of how it should be done.


The book can be used as a source of reference. It contains all the information featured in the digital skills. Furthermore, the book contains a short introduction explaining teachers and students how to use the course.


The combination of clearly explained skills and exercises to practice using them along with the ensuing feedback, also included, makes for very effective training. The course also features a student tracking system which allows teachers to monitor their students' progress.


The website's teacher section includes:




Teachers's copy


Teachers can apply for a teacher's copy of the book which includes a website access code. This will also allow them access to the student tracking system.

Tip: deze website werkt wel op systemen met een smal scherm zoals een smartphone, maar je kunt hem beter gebruiken op een computer of tablet.

Hint: this website does work on a smartphone screen, but we recommend that you use a computer or tablet.