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About the student tracking system


The student tracking system is an easy tool for tracking your students’ progress. By using the simple overviews, you can quickly see who is using the course and in which manner.


On one condition

Your students need to link your teacher code to their own account. Otherwise, the system will not understand which students you want to see. Therefore, it is important that your students know your code and enter that code into their account. You can find more information about the code and how to request one on the page labelled teacher code.


What will you see?

First, you will be shown a progress summary of the students who have linked their account to your teacher code. This overview lists the completion rates of the student’s exercises. This will give you an overall impression of the progress they have made on the course.

You may also delete all student results in order for the student to be able to repeat the exercises. The number of attempts will indicate an earlier deletion of data.


Do you need a detailed explanation?

You can find this by clicking the link detailed overview link. Then SiP shows you how your students have performed on a particular part.

You can view the answers per question by placing your mouse over the answer field. The answer will become visible in a small window.

This will give you a more detailed picture of how your students perform the exercises.

Removing results per SiP

If a student wants to practice a SiP again, this is only possible if his/her results for a particular SiP have been deleted by clicking the (delete) ‘wissen’ button.



Removing students from the overview

Once students have completed the course, or if you no longer want to include them in your overview, you may remove them by using the archiving function. Thus, they will only be removed from your overview. Their results will be retained. You can always add the student back in again to your overview.

Tip: deze website werkt wel op systemen met een smal scherm zoals een smartphone, maar je kunt hem beter gebruiken op een computer of tablet.

Hint: this website does work on a smartphone screen, but we recommend that you use a computer or tablet.